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Permanent Resident Malaysia

Writer's picture: C.A.(M)C.A.(M)

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

Permanent Residence Application

Entry Permit is issued under Section 10, Immigration Act 1959/63 which allows the non-citizen to remain in Malaysia after the expiry of a valid Pass. This Permit enable the holder to apply for the Permanent Resident status with National Registry Department.

All Entry Permit application should be done at the Immigration Department.


There are four (4) categories:

  • Investors and Experts (A1)

Application must be submitted at the Headquarters Immigrations office.

  • Professionals (A2)

  • Spouse of Malaysian citizen and child /children of Malaysian citizen below age of 6

  • Point System

Application must be submitted at State Immigrations office. Comprehensive checklist and additional documents depend on individual case. Checklist is provided by the Immigration Department.



  • Individual with minimum USD 2 million Fixed Deposit (FD) at any Bank in Malaysia and will only be allowed for withdrawal after five (5) years

  • Spouse and child/children below the age of 18 years will also be eligible to be granted Permanent Residence after five (5) years of stay in Malaysia

  • Requires one (1) Malaysian sponsor


  • Individual with expertise, talent and skill recognized as “World Class” by any International organization

  • Requires recommendation by relevant Agency in Malaysia

  • Requires Certificate of Good Conduct from Country of Origin

  • Requires one (1) Malaysian sponsor


  • Professional in any fields with outstanding skills

  • Requires recommendation by relevant Agency in Malaysia

  • Requires Certificate of Good Conduct from Country of Origin

  • Requires one (1) Malaysian sponsor

  • Working in any Government Agency or Private Company in Malaysia for a minimum period of three (3) years and certified by the Relevant Agency in Malaysia

List of Relevant Agency In Malaysia That Issue Recommendation For Permanent Residency

1. Ministry of Education (MOE) - Education

2. Ministry of Health (MOH) (Traditional & Complementary Medicine) - Healthcare /

3. Ministry of Tourism and Culture (MOTAC) - Tourism

4. National Sports Institute, Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) / National Sports Council (MSN), Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) / Related Associations - Sports

5. Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) and Agro-based Industries - Agriculture

6. Malaysian Bioeconomy Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (Bioeconomy) - Biotechnology

7. Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) , Ministry of Transport - Aviation

8. Department of Mineral and Geoscience, Ministry of Natural Mining (JMG) Resources and Environment - Mining

9. Unit PUSPAL, Ministry of Communications and Multimedia (MCMC) - Entertainment & Performance

10. Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) - Construction

11. Equestrian Association of Malaysia (EAM) - Equestrian


Husband/Wife/Children of Malaysia Citizen

  • Married to Malaysian Citizen

  • Had been issued with Long Term Visit Pass and stay continuously in Malaysia for a period of five (5) years

  • Requires to submit “Surat Akuan Perkahwinan” ("Marriage Certificate")

  • Spouse has to be the sponsor

  • For child/children of Malaysian Citizen below age 6, parents must be the sponsor

Entry Permit Appeal Application

In case of the application been refused by the Director General of Immigration Department, the affected person may appeal to the Home Minister by a writing petition within 30 days of the notification of the refusal.

Listed below are the compulsory relevant documents to be attached with the written appeal to the Home Ministry:

a. Petition of appeal by the appellant

b. Notification Letter from Immigration Department

c. 3 photographs of appellant (passport size & blue background)

d. 1 photographs of sponsor (passport size & blue background)

e. Marriage and family picture

f. Wedding invitation letter (if any)

g. Marriage certificate

h. Copy of applicant passport (since the first entry into Malaysia)

i. Copy of sponsor passport (used for marriage outside of Malaysia)

j. Copy of identity card, citizenship certificate, birth certificate for sponsor, appellant (if any) and children

k. A letter from Headmaster or Principal (for children who have attended primary or secondary school)

l. Copy of divorce certificate and a copy of death certificate (if any)

Individuals whose appeals may be considered are as follows:-

i. Wives and children aged 6 and below of those who enter the country under categories 1 and 2 above;

iv. Legal spouse of a Malaysian citizen who has resided with the spouse in this country continuously for 5 years or more, on long-term immigration facility (social visit pass / temporary employment pass/employment pass);

v. Children of Malaysian citizens aged 6 and below; and

vi. Individuals whose entry may be considered on compassionate grounds by the Minister of Home Affairs.


  • Application are open to all foreign nationals expert for Investor, Expert, Professional and Spouse of Malaysian Citizen

  • Application was assessed through seven (7) criteria below:

1. Age

2. Qualification

3. Duration of stay in Malaysia

4. Familiarity with the Malaysia Institute

5. The values of investments

6. Working experience in Malaysia

7. Proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia

All these criteria give marks to the Entry Permit application. Applicant who passed minimum 65 marks and above are qualified to submit the application.

Applicant are advised to make the scoring at Point System Calculator to calculate how many points you may get and indicates whether you may be eligible to apply an Entry Permit.

Please take note that this assessment tool is only to show your possible points score. Should you wish to apply for a Permanent Residence, it will not guarantee a successful application. Successful application depends on your complete application and supporting evidences submitted to the Immigration Department.

Information regarding Point System Calculator Required

Your Date Of Birth: Day | Month | Year

Relationship in Malaysia: Father (Citizen) / Father (Permanent Resident) / Mother (Citizen) / Mother (Permanent Resident) / Children (Citizen) / Children (Permanent Resident) / Others

Period of stay in Malaysia: Not more than 1 year / ... / Not more than 4 year / More than 5 years / Never stay in Malaysia

Highest academic qualification: PhD / Master / Professional Qualifications / Degree / Diploma

Field for highest academic qualification: Art / Economic / Education / Engineering / Information, Communication And Technology / Science / Sports Science / Others

Working Experience (in years): 1 year / ... / 10 years / 10 years and above / Never work in Malaysia

Value of Investment in Malaysia (If applicable)

a) Investment in business: -RM 100,000.00 - RM 199,999.00 / ... / RM 500,000.00 and above

b) Investment in real estate property: RM 100,000.00 - RM 199,999.00 / ... / RM 500,000.00 and above

c) Having Fixed Deposit, Saving Deposit, Bond, Trust Unit in local bank more than 1 year: RM 100,000.00 - RM 199,999.00 / ... / RM 500,000.00 and above

d) Provide job opportunity to Malaysians: 30-50 Workers / 51-100 Workers / More than 100 Workers

Proficiency in Malay Language: Poor / Moderate / Excellent

Entry Permit Appeal Application

In case of the application been refused by the Director General of Immigration Department, the affected person may appeal to the Home Minister by a writing petition within 30 days of the notification of the refusal.

Listed below are the compulsory relevant documents to be attached with the written appeal to the Home Ministry:

a. Petition of appeal by the appellant b. Notification Letter from Immigration Department c. A copy of Accreditation certification and support letter from the employer (for Category of Specialist/Professional) d. Letter of Acknowledgement from the approval agency (for Category of Specialist/Professional) e. SSM Statement (for Category of Investor) f. 3 photographs of appellant (passport size & blue background) g. 1 photographs of sponsor (passport size& blue background ) h. Order of deprivation of citizenship (if has renounced citizenship) i. Copy of academic certificate j. Resume/ Curriculum vitae (if any) m. Copy of applicant passport (since entry into Malaysia) n. Copy of sponsor passport (used for abroad marriage)

Individuals whose appeals may be considered are as follows:-

i. Individuals with qualifications and professional expertise which can contribute to the development of the country without affecting the rights of existing citizens;

ii. Individuals with certificates issued by the Minister of Home Affairs which confirm that their entry into this country is beneficial to the country economic development.

Completed appeal should be addressed to:

Immigration Affairs Division Ministry of Home Affairs 4th Floor, Blok D2, Parcel D Federal Government Administration Centre 62546 Putrajaya


  • Application in prescribed form must be submitted to Immigration Department of Malaysia

  • Application must be made in Malaysia

  • Requires personalised cover letter

  • Upon submission of application, applicant is required to be interviewed by the Immigration Department subject to Police Vetting

  • Recommendation by Relevant Agency in Malaysia must be submitted upon application

Each application submitted must have a valid travel document / passport and the validity period. The document must be more than 6 months at the time of application.

Applications can be submitted to the Putrajaya Immigration Headquarters and the State Immigration Office (PIN) according to the latest residential address.

The Sponsor of the application in the Peninsula must be sponsored by a Malaysia citizen. All applications must go through the security screening process. Immigration Reference Form (Im. 63) for Security Screening must be sent directly to the Head of the Special Branch, Headquarters of the State Police Contingent where the sponsor resides.

Applicants must be present with the Sponsor on the date of the interview as selected at the chosen Processing Office.

Applicants are required to bring the original supporting documents and copies when attending the interview session at the chosen Processing Office.

Fees Charged

Entry Permit Payment: RM120.00

Check the status of the application and the MyONLINE PERMIT application at CHECK THE STATUS OF THE APPLICATION.

For further information and details regarding Permanent Residence, please contact Bestar.


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